Friday, July 1, 2011

Why we go to the library

It is fun to go to the library because books are free.
It is fun there.
The  rules are walk and whisper and there are lots of books.
Do you know about books?
They are so cool because they make your brain grow.
Now you know about why we go to the library. 

By Solaita.

Why We Go To Libraries

Do you know why we go to libraries?
Because we  Love reading and because the books are for free! It saves money$. I also like it because reading makes our brain grow. Now you know about Libraries.

By Lilly  

Why we go to public library

Do you know why people go to the library?
People go to the library because books are free and you don't have to pay.You can read books quietly and your brain can grow and you can learn new words.Now you know why people go to the library.

By Harmonie.   